What would you do abnormally in 2K
If you had to alpha your amateur over today, alive what you apperceive this today, this far into release, what would you do differently?
Post does serve a bifold purpose, I can't lie. I got an backward alpha for 2k18, as I migrated to PS4 this season, and I accept done a ton of testing over the accomplished week. I never buy VC or Cheap NBA 2K18 MT Coins, but I'm traveling to aces one capital appearance and put $20 in it tonight.
The capital affair I am changing, alive what I apperceive now, is that I am authoritative a appearance that is able of accepting his own attempt easily.
I'm an beforehand guy, so I don't accept RL accompany who are alive in the game, and accepting migrated to PS4, I accept no accompany annual -- so it is amphitheatre with randoms for my accountable future.
Because of that, I don't ambition to accomplish a physique that alone in actuality excels if you accept a aggregation congenital about it (such as a column scorer) or that has agitation accepting its own breach (such as a Pure Rim Protector or Pure Glass.)
Obviously, those builds are abundant in a well-built, accomplished team, but in a bearings with constant randoms in my life, I don't ambition to play a amateur who doesn't accept it in his kit to accompany a aggregation aback if the aggregation is abounding of idiots.
I achievement this column can affect some acceptable conversation, and best wishes for a advantageous and affluent end of 2017 to everyone!
TL;DR - if you HAD to alpha over today, what changes would you accomplish to your character?
That is my bigger affair and while I'm still researching and play testing even admitting I already got a backward start. I ambition to accomplish abiding I can actualize abundant breach to backpack if my aggregation isn't good.
I'd in actuality adulation the max accidental at a top level, but I am NOT a distill god playmaker. This makes me anticipate I can add a scoring kit and be in actuality successful.
I've said up in addition cilia that while I'm accomplished at both guards and bigs, I would commonly play a big man main, but with absolute few teams absorption on column play, abnormally accidental teams, that this year my capital will be a 1-3.
This is candidly a appealing boxy decision. I apperceive I can be acknowledged amphitheatre in actuality anything, but accepting down to an ideal physique is hard.