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This same blasphemy was in NBA Live Mobile Coins

This NBA Live Mobile i can make a 7,3 center with NBA Live Mobile Coins speed and blow right past a 6,4 SG Sharpshoopter and not only that i can shoot mid ranges and 3 pointers like steph curry and it takes 3 people to strip the ball from me.

Yall just dont understand every year you guys change and take out content/features that make the game enjoyable. If this dont get fixed i cant see why me or any other sharpshooter would continue to play this seriously.

If were guarding a playmaker or shot creator they will blow right past us just about every time.Which isnt right because last 2k it wasnt like that.

Also on Offensive as well it makes no sense as to why we have the best shooting but we cant get open because the person who is guarding us is twice as faster than us and has no problem defending any shot we put up.

Now dont get me wrong ive seen and experienced sharpshooters doing the impossible like shooting contested shots and making deep 3's but lets keep it real this same blasphemy was in NBA Live Mobile Coins and nobody complained about it then neither was a patch made to stop it from occurring. I highly recommend a boost to our overall movement speed otherwise this archtype is broken.

A slasher's job is to cut to the basket and take either a dunk or layup so it makes no sense as to why they would make your max speed that. We need a patch for archtypes asap.

You missed the entire point all i want is to use the new dunk animations that they put into the game and earn every badge that i could normally earn. Besides the posterizer badge is NBA Live would only be bronze anyway. And no sharpshooters cant make half court shots contested or uncontested all the time so quit over exaggerating and learn how to play defense.

They need to fix NBA Live Mobile our shots because we aren't good at dunkin, speed, or defensive. We are a reliability because we can't play defensive and now we can't even shoot as good; the nerf was stupid, unnecessary, and unrealistic. Shot creators are the ones that need to be nerfed because they can green light fade aways at the 3 contested.

May-28-2017 PST