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These business practices because of 2 reasons

Can we allocution about how disgusting/unethical the "1 HOUR LEFT TO SAVE ON VC" admission timer that consistently resets is? They get abroad with these business practices because of two affidavit (both of which are my NBA 2K18 MT opinion):

1, Humans still buy a amazing bulk of VC; and as continued as humans still buy the amateur and VC, 2k has no allurement what-so-ever to stop these business practices. They're in the business to accomplish money, why stop?

2, This industry in video amateur today of abject a bank arrangement is so able that no one could apparently stop it except the government. The convenance does not affect the government, so it will be abundantly difficult to get them involved. It is aswell harder to prove that this arrangement has finer broke peoples lives, so afresh why would the gov. affliction if: A. they dont accept any allurement to do so and B. it's not affliction people. Is it giving us bad superior games? Yeah. But that's not a acumen to get government action and get these bold companies to stop.

Also FYI, they technically don't accept a cartel on the industry because it avalanche beneath video amateur in general. Theoretically, anyone can acquirement a authorization to use the NBA teams and actualize a basketball video game. So, antitrust laws wouldn't administer here.

So, EA has its able-bodied accurate issues with micro transactions. 2k has been accomplishing this “1 hour VC promotion” for about a ages and accept added the allegation for VC in about every mode. Is this just how it's traveling to be from now on?

We're accepted to buy $60 amateur (well maybe not Live), absorb an blasphemous bulk on in bold purchases/currency, afresh buy next year's adaptation and repeat? The bureau these amateur hustle you these canicule is insane.

It tears me up, but I accept to stop affairs this abuse game. As I get older, my time gets added limited, and I can't be crumbling it cutting my ass off for basal after-effects (or absolution the bullwork beset me to pay even added of my hard-earned money). This was my admired basketball authorization by a mile, and 2K has run it into the arena with greed.

Dec-20-2017 PST