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NBA Live - The Garnett stats accept to NBA Live 18 Coins

Yeah and 18 cavalcade attack his stats are all over the address abnormally for a 95 him accepting several stats starting at over 100 is absurd but that minimum cavalcade attack carbon is even crazier to buy NBA Live Coins.

Lol I was so abashed with his added stats I didn't even alarm the 18 cavalcade attack or the 77 Off aerial hahaha. For anyone ranked 27th amidst NBA leader's for abhorrent aerial that's kinda low.

But that 18 column attempt had me dying if you acicular it out. Also I accede it makes no faculty why his starting ovr is 95. It should at the actual atomic be 98+.

The Garnett stats accept to be an error... they're just too stupid. 18 Column Shot? 77 OR but 106 DR? I'll be afraid if KG shows up in the bargain house. He is the analogue of OP.

Man I was acquisitive they would bead a Kyle korver nba calendar card, c’mon can anyone acquaintance Ea and admonish them that one of the best 3point shooters in the bold now is not accepting a 90+ card to Buy NBA Live Mobile Coins.

Jun-11-2018 PST