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NBA Live - The connected way is to play NBA Live 18 Coins

Best would be sniping .. shd almost absorb alone as abundant bread as u get tp.. ie 500 or beneath for a 69 silver. 1500 or beneath for a 72 gold. Etc. Elites absolutely not.. The connected way is to play NBA Live 18 Coins  for cutting seasons the accomplished day...

Not abiding what to do here. Accept two teagues, two middletons, and a batum. In the 90 PG set I accept whiteside and simmons already, just charge curry.

Do I about-face in the 4 for a avant-garde in hopes of hitting curry? If I hit him I afresh would accept to advancement my aggregation to be able to play the accident for 90 ovr PG.

Do I just stop and put the players in my lineup? Not abiding what to do,accumulate cutting for added elites? heres my team.Did the barter and got addition simmons.

I put him in my calendar and connected to grind. Told myself I would alone try afresh if I would be able to accumulate a Batum, Teague, and Middleton for my lineup.

Stayed up all night endure night defective alone one added aristocratic to try again. I Pulled aback to aback simmons and grants to play NBA Live Mobile Coins, abrogation me defective alone a cauley alembic to try again. Grinded down to one endure try at the gold with aught backbone left. Somehow my luck angry around, I pulled cauley-stein, followed by Curry.

Jan-02-2018 PST