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NBA Live - The acceptable account is NBA Live Mobile Coins

The acceptable account is NBA Live Mobile Coins, the new acceptable will acquire a lot added glitches and mistakes for us to allocution about, and we can abide to be ignored! Accomplish abiding those of you spending money on this bold abide to do so, so that we can abide to get beneath for more! Stay blessed.

I was actually abutting to 88 ovr amalgamate and the swag set is still there but the reside accident is gone. Is it advancing back? No guarantees, but it should become a account promo like the TOTW.

Since they ran the anniversary continued set that may change.  So like they said, who knows, but it apparently will appear back.

They didn't absolution any new TOTW or Legendary cards endure week. Everything appears to be on authority while this promo is happening.

It's annihilation but the truth, because that's what he's allurement us to do.How abounding times have to humans ask questions to the association here, and apprehend altered answers?

We're all in the aforementioned boat. None of us are in on abstruse data that others don't apperceive about. I was actually abutting to 88 over amalgamate and the swag set is still there but the reside accident is gone.

Is it advancing back?I ahead the absolute acknowledgment is that EA has been too capricious to accomplish any accomplished guesses. Logically they should absolution addition swag accident for Frasier to play NBA Live 18 Coins, but abominably EA has been erratic.

Dec-04-2017 PST