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NBA Live - Talked with him about NBA Live Mobile Coins

Talked with him about the botheration but got all-encompassing answers that were "the affair will be apparent but it will yield time" aldo I didn't acknowledgment an "issue" as an "issue" but talked added about a "problem" which is the bold as a whole for NBA Live Mobile Coins.

I told him how all these baby issues (crashing, moneygrabing, bad promos created one BIG botheration which I capital to allocution to him about).

Gave him the hotlink to my suggestions cilia on which he said has "good suggestions" but watched carefully because the cilia shows how abounding humans are examination it and there were none if he told me it had acceptable being lol.

He again the aforementioned book a brace of times tho and actually told me there's annihilation he can do to advice back he isn't a developer or alive on the game. I told him there's absolutely added of a adventitious he gets to allocution to a being that plan on NBALM than I am.

And afterwards I told him I am accident achievement in the game, he beatific me a "highlight of the conversation" book in which he told me not to lose achievement in EA because it has so abounding admirers all over the apple who play their amateur daily...

He was a nice guy, gave him an accomplished brand on the survey, but if it asked me if he apparent my botheration I arrested the "no" square. I begin Rajesh to be a Kevin Hart in disguise, funny fellow, told me EA cares about us to Buy NBA Live 18 Coins.

Apr-30-2018 PST