NBA Live - Might accept to about-face to NBA Live Coins
Got endure badge for 97 Dirk (gold 89 FT%) 2-3 hours ago.. now I accept 2 canicule and 11 hours to get endure badge for 97 Davis (elite 2 steals per game). I spent 0$/NBA banknote and didn't even try to add backbone for banknote cuz again accident is giving you players (most of the time), so it was just luck to buy NBA Live Mobile Coins.
I got the 97 AI almost calmly (320 badges), but I'm accepting a hell of a time accepting the aristocratic Dwight tokens. I've got all the golds and platinums already, but I still charge one aristocratic badge for the 94, and two aristocratic tokens for the 97.
I've acclimated 260 argent badges so far. Really achievement I can get at atomic the 94 afore the promo ends.Same..keep grinding.. altered tokens will be attenuate for altered people..I accept done the set 25 times.. charge one badge too..
I opened the barter 26 times, got the 94 horry, but this.How attenuate is the gold token? Are they just appropriately random? Some accord would be acceptable here. Iverson and Dirk were easy. I’m accepting agitation with Howard too.
Might accept to about-face to aggravating to accomplish Dirk a platinum.The gold 4-3 badge was the endure one I bare for both 94 and 97 Davis. It took me 37 times through the badge set to accomplishment those two for Cheap NBA Live Coins.