NBA Live - It was already taken a beating for NBA Live Mobile Coins
Bcoz it's abandoned fair to play with anybody and now it's like bedfast us banned people..I adeptness say h2h and lvl is not gng to the above again... It was already taken a beating for NBA Live Mobile Coins.
I'm not banned butthis adventurous is now adequate abandoned to play 20-25 mins per day (if I acquire abolishment bigger to do) and the abandoned accuracy I acquire some fun now is cuz I do not crop this adventurous actively anymore.
I agree, if you got banned it's a absolute moment to uninstall it and say bye to NBALM, added chargeless time for bigger things. I wouldn't do it.
It's just too painful, and you'll prob end up accepting banned like two months after again.There’s a bannered cilia for all things ban related, amuse do not actualize new accoutrement about the amount at hand, column in there.
I'm from ph and on the fb accumulation that i accept abutting some acquaint a acknowledgment from EA apropos the banned accounts that they could retrieve their annual because of some violations. I wish to apperceive if there are humans who retrieve their accounts back.
You dont wish to displace or at atomic a COIN WIPE now yall got banned and you donkeys are blaming EA?. why not accusation your admired COIN SELLERS?
They're the acumen you guys got banned in the aboriginal place... bread sellers are affairs aggregate cher so how can EA apperceive if you're transfering bill or not to play NBA Live 18 Coins?