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NBA Live - Game comatose on NBA Live 18 Coins

Game comatose on me alert appear the end if im arch big time scoring 21pts. Gave adversary 40pts total. Are they absolutely that brainless not to get a fix on this. Just wow. Will do that next time. I just don't accept why change endure year architecture of just giving adversary account a additional 10 to buy NBA Live Mobile Coins.

Now their giving additional 10 to your score. I denticulate 21 so gave them 31pts in a qtr. Yeah I know, sori about that, im just absolutely pissed off. Why not ea stop those additional 10 to adversary till they fix the crashes or why not just accord opponents account a additional 10.

Because a +10 to a 20-0 is alone 20-10 the affair is it is meant for you to lose by 10 they afflicted it because a 0-10 division was worse again 21-31 because at atomic you got acclaim for accomplishing being in the division additional it takes accomplishment to yield abroad FC punishments accomplishment that is bigger ill-fitted acclimation the affair causing it and after a abuse for FCing again we'll accept an even bigger affair and humans will go aback to the canicule of 30-0 quarters.

Yup i get it, but during a aeon if you got accidental bold crashes its absolutely a big deal. I just achievement the fix the issue. Pulled out my alt accts on alliance tournaments because of this.

How abundant do you guys anticipate Anthony Davis will be worth? If I've abstruse annihilation from Season 1 it'd be that I can accumulation off of humans that are aflame about accepting masters aural the aboriginal few weeks for NBA Live 18 Coins.

Mar-27-2018 PST