NBA Live - clumsy to do the basal able to circuit about an adversary and NBA Live Mobile Coins
It shits me no end if it's agreed so that the best basketball players in the apple cannot accomplish an open, accepted dunk, absence a 5m canyon to a assistant by 5m and it go anon to an action player, clumsy to do the basal able to circuit about an adversary and NBA Live Mobile Coins to ascendancy the ball.
They don't even try to adumbrate it. My 87 all-embracing aggregation plays like an elementary academy aggregation all because it was absitively I'm not accustomed to win. Urgh, this is a massive blemish in the game.
Wouldn't yield abundant technology accomplishment to accept anniversary annual arrested to see if a amateur spends any money on the game. If it turns out that afterwards 6 months $0's has been spent, afresh rid the agreed accident bits from their account.
Just went 2W, 5L adjoin a Bulls aggregation area Butler didn't blow the brawl already adjoin my 87 rated big man team. I didn't attempt to score, but they denticulate with such ease. It's so rigged. The asleep betrayal is if your amateur stops arresting for no acumen and your computer-controlled assistant doesn't yield 1 footfall over to advice defend, which allows for an accepted dunk.
You can't win if that happens. A aggregation that can't account 8 credibility in a approved division bold adjoin me can account 8+ in <2mins? Yeah fucking right.It's even worse if i can't change my ascendancy to the abutting player, or if I do, they can't jump advanced to block or burden the driver. I can alone do a continuing vertical jump, which contradicts what my amateur can do with the ball.
So I ask again... what is the point of cheating the players if they're never traveling to absorb absolute money on the game? You can never acquire abundant collectables to complete the set bound after spending money, so authoritative it yield that little bit best is bombastic and pointless to buy NBA Live 18 Coins.
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