NBA 2K for YEARS has in actuality failed
I've played basketball all my activity and was an all-around point guard, switching to the 2 actuality and there. I apperceive what basketball is and how its played from a arrangement stand-point. NBA 2K for YEARS has in actuality bootless to claiming an authentic delineation of basketball.
Sure, the players attending like their complete person, but who tf cares? I don't. A lot of of the time you're arena this bold you are not searching at their faces or their physique types, nor does this aftereffect their NBA 2K18 MT Coins attributes/abilities.
That's why this bold gets so awful rated. That, and the abridgement of antagonism from EA until now. The players and their basal animations (crossovers, jump attempt to an extent, and some dunks) attending great...until you alpha in actuality arena the bold and apprehend its commotion on the hardwood.
There is NO breeze to the game, animations ruin everything, plays that don't absorb an on-ball P&R/post-up are abortive because of 1) off-ball captivation animations, 2) bruised runs/effort advancing about an off-ball screen, 3) the complete claim of accepting anybody at a stand-still in their appropriate position afore the play can alpha and motion begins.
The NBA teams do not run zones (outside of Doc whipping it out adjoin the calefaction a few times during the big 3 era), so they shouldn't be in the game.
But aback they are, I'll say they are in actuality abominable with the way players move in the zones and how harder it is to get your teammates in the appropriate position to exhausted it (i.e. it's so harder to beforehand a 2-3 with abhorrent 1-3-1 accession with a big in the average alive a high-low with a baseline runner).
When players yield a footfall aback three instead of the accessible mid...enough said.
When you advanced anyone on a beforehand to the bassinet and they don't in actuality go to the basket...enough said.
Players in this bold DO NOT FILL LANES CORRECTLY. On a fastbreak, you aperture to the 1 or whoever your brawl abettor is, he pushes average a lot of of the time and the added two guys (your 2 and 3) ample in on the larboard and appropriate abhorrent line-extended areas. Your 4 (or 5 if he's a amplitude big) trails and stops at a best at the abhorrent line, and your 5 rim runs.
Instead, even if your already blame middle, EVERYONE runs anon down the average to the belted amphitheater beneath the rim and stays there for a few abnormal even if anyone abroad is there/they don't accept the ball.
Or conversely, decidedly on a 2v1, three point-shooters will go appropriate to the rim and slashers will adeptness to the bend for a three...WHY.
The fast breach is a abominable classic of how little 2K in actuality knows the basics and fundamentals of basketball, let abandoned the avant-garde concepts.
I've rambled on continued enough...hmph.