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my players to play NBA Live Mobile Coins

There is no point blocking AI dunk, for some acumen they anticipate it's goaltending. I accept aswell had lots of glitches area it should accept been a block or abduct or a simple boxy shot, but instead AI players went through my players to play NBA Live Mobile Coins.

The amount of TP bare to alternation up an 82+ amateur is a lot.  88 Harden is 44K for the aboriginal akin alone.  It looks like training a brace 84s up two levels would yield a lot of of my TP. 

What am I missing here?  Do I charge to abstract players (the alone way I apperceive to buy TP)?  I'm aggravating to adhere on to my "Level Up +1" tokens for later, if I'm training 90+ players.

A quick adjustment for me was the Kawhi Leonard bundle.Not the a lot of amount able advantage for abounding people, but the Akin Up badge you get that comes with him can be acclimated to advance any amateur up one level, behindhand of TP. Use low golds or silvers to alternation , dont use 75+ players unless its an old accomplished player.

Outside of this, the best adjustment is to acquisition players in the AH that are elites, and use them.I ambition we could see TP ethics for all cards in the AH.The best adjustment is application an old accomplished amateur to alternation the new one or accepting golds for beneath 1,400.

Also Dikembe Mutumbo's acme is way off. Both players in bold are actuallly a lot abate in admeasurement than should be.EA Devs apparently hasty to get the bold out blame up the stats. Like how they affected and pasted a few cards appropriate over to a agnate OVR position agenda and forgot to change the stats for NBA Live 18 Coins.

Dec-02-2017 PST