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My fav is if my pg knocks the ball

Seriously needs to be slowed down if someone's active and they get blocked. The accepting accepting blocked has a quicker acknowledgment to get the brawl and account on you is bs.

They should get some affectionate of 1 sec or 2 sec benumb up so the apostle has time to react.

You block them they auto get the brawl and your abecedarian gets ashore in an action acrimonious up an airy brawl accepting punished for amphitheatre acceptable aegis is brainless as hell thoughts?

They aswell allegation to corruption poor block attempts. A apostle can in actuality spam the block button and jump 3-4 times in the time it takes for me to pump affected once.

This has been the case for years, this year they in actuality slowed down block spammers a little bit compared to 2k17. I absolutely accede with you that they allegation to do added though.

Idk what u on, but if the antagonism is equal, afresh if a accepting avalanche for a pumpfake, its acutely simple to account on him.

Unless you beat the brawl into the stands your block/deflection is consistently traveling into the easily of the adversary for an simple score. I hardly even jump anymore.

I've noticed the aforementioned bits with tipped/deflected passes or steals. If you don't absolute grab the brawl with both easily you're just traveling to get the brawl into the easily of the added aggregation except now you're absolutely out of position.

Your abecedarian consistently feels delayed in responding for that apart brawl meanwhile the AI anon targets it. I've watched this appear on epitomize so abounding times.

My fav is if my pg knocks the brawl lose from added aggregation PG at top of the key and added teams pf or c who was at chargeless bandy somehow sprints and dives and grabs it afore I yield added than one footfall lol.

The AI acknowledgment to annihilation in this bold is ridiculous. And don't let it appear to you, you'll be ashore in a 5 sec action while the AI is already beneath your basket.

I adulation how you deceit grab your own miss, instead your just amazing on the amphitheatre and clumsy to columnist jump. But if the AI wants to grab an abhorrent board.

And One affair I will say is that unrealistic chasedown blocks appear less. It's one affair if LeBron does it... Buy NBA 2K18 MT Coins but if I'm John Wall, there's no acumen why Whiteside should be able to bolt me on an accessible fast break. That happened a lot in beforehand 2K's.

Oct-16-2017 PST