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I've apparent him in NBA Live Mobile Coins

On the added contest I'd absolutely like to get an oscar robertson to complete my archetypal band up.once afresh on that ancillary I've alone gotten 2 pierces and 2 bowens to buy NBA Live Mobile Coins.

I don't apperceive about you guys, but I'm cashing in my elites now for the 86PG alone because I do not accept acceptance that EA will account its countdown.

Did the barter and got addition simmons. I put him in my calendar and connected to grind. Told myself I would alone try afresh if I would be able to accumulate a Batum, Teague, and Middleton for my lineup. Stayed up all night endure night defective alone one added aristocratic to try again.

I Pulled aback to aback simmons and grants, abrogation me defective alone a cauley alembic to try again. Grinded down to one endure try at the gold with aught backbone left. Somehow my luck angry around, I pulled cauley-stein, followed by Curry. At that point I didn't even think.

I just started training and advance my calendar to get to 85. Assuredly accomplishment and barter in all the pieces. I assuredly accomplished the bullwork with 52 account larboard on the PG event.  Alone accurately in the face was a atramentous Friday set getting aback up this morning afterwards I acclimated my endure 15 in training.

Given that I accept abject LBJ accomplished up all the way in my calendar and the 84 Harvest PG13 on my bank - does it accomplish faculty to "upgrade" LBJ to the Harvest Master PG13? 

I've apparent him in the AH for what I'd accede bargain (<2mil).You wont be able to use both PG13 calm so if you do buy 90 PG13 and use him as amateur you will lose the bank addition as you will accept to bank Lebron for NBA Live 18 Coins.

Jan-09-2018 PST