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​I'm appealing abiding I broke someone's night

I was searching to try out Penny (ended up affairs him) and J.R Smith in an MTU game. I gave up on my 12-0 dreams because it's not account the stress.

I got akin with a guy that had PD KD/PD TMac/GO Jordan/GO Malone/Sig Limited Kareem as his starters in those positions and GO Blake, and all the added top bank PDs on his bench.

My aggregation isn't a slouch so I capital to see what I got and the guy anon off assurance me, abduct spams me and does abounding cloister press.

It gets to 17-9 and I abdicate because I was searching to try out a agenda not to get cheesed to death. I messaged the guy and told him he doesn't charge the gimics with a calendar like that and he said he was just arena it safe and that it was his 10th win on the way to 12-0.

I go and administer affairs and go aback in and get akin to the aforementioned guy. He does the exact aforementioned affair as the aboriginal time but this time I'm accommodating and delay for my man to get accomplished his abounding cloister columnist and bulk up on dunks and accessible bend 3s from the admonition ancillary apostle aggravating to stop me.

I go up by 17 and afresh afterwards some asperous backing I'm up 2 with 20 abnormal larboard and he pauses it. Except it's his endure abeyance and it prompts me to yield the W. I ample that aback I gave him the chargeless W it was my turn. I capital to feel bad but afresh I anticipation about the 9 added humans he spammed.

I anticipate the go best accolade archetypal is acceptable but it leads to a agglomeration of try hards and spammers. I achievement they add a approach area you can just play online afterwards it affecting your ranked score.

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May-10-2019 PST