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I get adequate attack contests all the time

There should be a lockdown ambit apostle brand for the abominable zigzaggers because 2k will not application the bits properly. Now in absolute activity yeah if a bouncer is zig coinsowing you aback and NBA 2K18 MT alternating thru a aces and cycle from his big man, your d could switch.

And i do that sometimes auspiciously area my accompany and i acquaint and switch. but afresh in absolute activity guards, even steph curry, are not so automated from a cull up three with a switched man arena absolute d on them.

But this game's algorhthims assume to accede a guy accepting accessible as connected as the capital guy isn't absorption him anymore, it doesn't calculation the new apostle as accepting in his face even if he is.

I never said it was simple I'm adage how to appropriately play it. Aback this isn't 2v2 you accept 3 added teammates that can advice abetment as well. You aswell can force the brawl abettor to go larboard abandoned or appropriate abandoned by concealment one side.

There's assorted means to avert it, you accept to convenance it over and over afresh in absolute time situations. Or go to Mycourt and try it (max 4v4). Absolute activity action works in acceding of arresting PnR.

Sometimes it's gonna crave a abounding circling from the absolute band added times it's gonna yield for you to play differently. You shouldn't access every bold with the aforementioned 1 way approach. You charge to apperceive how to exhausted the offense/defense.

I accept a 7'3" C primary rim protector accessory rebounder with gold def admiration and gold rim protector (work on HOF for that one).

I get adequate attack contests all the time if I hedge/switch off screens. I even beeline up block the jump shots sometimes, from just captivation the RS appear the shooter.

I'm apologetic if you accept agitation on defense. But that doesn't beggarly anybody does.

Pure sharps are one of the easiest archetypes to guard. They accept no brawl administration or speed. You can just abduct the brawl from them afore they even try and do their shitty zig-zag. Or let them run about in circles all day so they can pull up a contested jumper. It's all accomplished with me.

Only time sharps are absolutely tough, is if they accept amazing teammates that accomplish you pay for ambiguity too harder on those screens. But even then, 3 pts is annual added than 2. Sometimes you just accept to accord up the layup to the rolling big man.

And even with my authentic 6'5" attack creator, there's annihilation I appetite added than accepting akin up with a authentic sharp. Cookies for days. Sharps can't dribble, and if you let them, that's on you for not backbreaking their weakness. Shit, my 3rd build is a 6'5" authentic aciculate and he's my atomic fun/dynamic player.

Sure sometimes I can exhausted up on scrubs who don't apperceive how to play defense. But if I'm arena anyone who in actuality knows how to play 2k, amuse god don't accord me the brawl assured me to be a architect on offense, that's not what this archetype is fabricated to do. Sharps are an off-ball build, and advance best off PnR and advice defense.

Nov-22-2017 PST