I acquire no way of proving this
Knowing you're all but affirmed to absence your next attempt is such a awe-inspiring feeling... I don't ahead I've anytime accomplished this on addition game. Application my playmaking attempt creator of NBA 2K18 MT, If I alpha a bold 4/4 on 3-pt shots, I am 100% missing the next 3-pt shot.
Even on 3/3 starts, it's about 80% that I will absence that next one. I am not arguing that I should be able to accomplish every shot, but just pointing out that it's a in fact odd activity to apperceive there's basically annihilation you can do to accomplish your next shot. It's aswell in fact awe-inspiring for a bold that believes in the "hot hand" theory, because this goes in fact adjoin it.
I acquire no way of proving this, but I'm in fact assertive the bold causes misses carefully to accumulate the bold from axis into 3-point spam like 2k13.
I've had players in MyLeague that are A+ threepoint shooters, and I can hit my aboriginal 2 or 3, afresh I'm appealing abundant affirmed to absence my next two unless they're Excellent timing.
If this in fact is a thing, it should abandoned be bound to online play to advice with the cheesers. Who cares if I hit 5 beeline threes in MyGm?
Idk the bold is definitly semi chic in my career espically during the playoffs. I've had alot of amateur were the cpu drains 3s consistently at like 80% even from just bank players while I about will get striped in situations I douse on guys commonly and will absence bags of shots I'll accomplish in amateur that aren't set like the cpu is declared to win.
Hell sometimes if you administer to get up 20-30 by accustomed the aggregation harder whwn you get subbed out your down by 15 if you appear aback it's annoying. They apparently do it to accomplish the bold added arduous but if I absence 4-6 simple lay ups in a row while my guys appraisement is what I ahead mid 90s in layups the bold is bullshit.
This is aswell in chargeless throws and it's annoying I'll be accomplishing the chargeless bandy golf aggravating to bullwork and absence 6 acceptable absolution chargeless throws in a row rng rigged.
My authentic slasher just dunks... Still don't go 100% could cause absence dunks at 92 douse and argent adamant and posterizer.
It's like that with blocks too. I'll be on my able-bodied finisher with gold badges and get 3-4 acquaintance dunks in a row that don't get blocked by the abate amateur attention me and I just apperceive that a block is advancing because they will not let me accomplish 100% of those. Not adage it isn't right, but it's too predictable.