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And it seems like they were bigger at NBA Live agenda

So now that the NBA Live Coins finals are over. does anyone apperceive if they will amend the rosters and absolution the injuries...im sitting on 5 bums account about 80,000 VC i wanna body my aggregation up if i can advertise them.

Should've been set and accessible for amend endure night or this morning, aback anybody knew that was the endure bold of the year.

Lol, anybody who accepted them to do this aural 24hours afterwards bold 7 accept to NBA Live not accept been arena NBA Live for a continued time. NBA Live brand to yield its time, i apprehend this to appear about next anniversary but it wouldn't abruptness me if they delay addition month.

I accept vince carter who costs about 18k and i acutely wouldn't like to lose all that vc if they put him aback at his aboriginal 10-12k or whatever it was.

They accomplish abundant money to account their artefact better. What I don't like about the video bold industry there is about no recourse for their poor chump service/satisfaction.

Most huge companies will accommodate the chump with some array of acclaim or something if they accept a accepted complaint. For archetype my ideal way to play this bold would be online association, but how generally are the servers down? No recourse for me as the customer. Still a absolutely acceptable game, but could absolutely be great.

And it seems like they were bigger at NBA Live agenda updates during the approved season, and now it's like they forgot about it or something.

Well on the Cheap NBA Live Coins of may Ronnie tweeted that the agenda amend would appear anon afterwards the finals were over. Thats NBA Live not absolutely a set time anatomy but Id accord it a anniversary I guess.

May-18-2017 PST