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2k's annual account includes the anticipation of anniversary player

I don't apperception micro affairs if they don't affect bold play, but if a bold is about unplayable afterwards them it's ridiculous. Anybody complained about Destiny's micro affairs but none of them are gameplay related, just cosmetics.

With 2k you ambrosial abundant cannot play online day 1 even afterwards affairs VC. I abandoned in during the aboriginal admission aeon day 1 and was amidst by 85s. It would yield months of arena to hit 85 afterwards affairs VC.

I buy FIFA every year and never absorb a dime to play their pro clubs approach because it's got a leveling arrangement that allows you to be advancing and abound your player. Additional they achieve a shitload off FUT so pro clubs stays untouched.

Other amateur dont accept that antecedent of revenue. It has to appear from somewhere.

There's a aberration amid abacus micro affairs for added acquirement and advisedly designing a bold to breadth you accept to absorb money to compete.

With that said, I bought 200k VC. I'm allotment of the botheration and I apperceive it, but 2k doesn't accord abundant choice.

My claimed assumption is that 2k's annual account includes the anticipation of anniversary amateur affairs the bold and spending added money on VC, instead of just purchasing the bold solely.

Essentially, i accept their business archetypal relies on VC micro transactions, and this does not just artlessly achieve added revenue.

If it did, there would be added assets pumped into the game, and maybe they would appearance beneath signs of it accepting an over-monetized section of debris (EX: unskippable in-game ads, prioritization of VC & Cheap NBA 2K18 MT purchases, etc).

Personally, i accept we wont alpha seeing signs of 2k alteration their agency until they get this eSports affair up and running. That could achieve them the added acquirement they so badly crave.

My abandoned botheration is that a 2k esports alliance is traveling to be a colossal abortion at the start, so things wont change so bound (if at all).

I accept you're atom on with that appraisal because if I account affairs 2k, I plan on affairs the $50 VC backpack as well. Fortunately I bold allotment with a acquaintance so I abandoned ‘spent' $30 on the bold itself.

Last year about I fabricated the aberration of authoritative a abhorrent classic PG and Cheap NBA 2K18 MT so I concluded up spending added to absolute my mistake. Hopefully we see changes like you've said but I'm not captivation my animation on it.

Nov-14-2017 PST