2K allows you to play afterwards the meter
Don't accord 2k excuses, maybe you're not but that's how I apprehend this, the layup exhausted should acquire been there if they were traveling to accomplish us time layups NBA 2K18 MT Coins. If there is no timed layup afresh we wouldn't charge a layup meter.
All shots should acquire a attempt exhausted and attempt acknowledgment displayed during gameplay as it happens... I'd like to abolish the attempt exhausted entirely, but accumulate the timing aspect of it. Apprentice the attempt based off the physique and not a little meter.
Try and see it from a altered point of view. The attempt exhausted makes the bold added like an arcade bold breadth you're searching at a bar and aggravating to ample it up. It makes the bold too easy. Beneath in actuality paying absorption to your characters animation.
If they removed it from anybody you'd acquire to apprentice the acme of the jump and added factors. They could add that absolute absolution consistently goes in afresh because it would be abundant harder to acreage them.
What I'm cogent you is on 1 accountable bulk that is that I do not wish to play afterwards the attempt exhausted on all timed shots/layups. The actuality that you do is your best and 2k allows you to play afterwards the exhausted if you do choose, but they do not acquiesce me to play with a attempt exhausted on my layups which is arbitrary to those who wish that affection there.
I am in now way adage you acquire to play with it on but the advantage to acquire it on should be there abnormally if it's there but just hidden. The blow of what you said deals with your answer to play afterwards a exhausted and that's your best and it helps u.
If I didnt wish to play with a attempt exhausted I would acquire just affronted it off in the settings menu. But I wish the attempt exhausted and I wish the attempt exhausted on those layups that are timed and acquire the attempt exhausted hidden.
I don't affliction about annihilation abroad because the accepting u just said has annihilation to do with what the dev aggregation can change in nba 2k18.
Tbh on accession abstracted accountable this convo has abandoned added accepted to me the shittness of the 2k association you are like the exact blazon of accepting yield two talks about in their annual meetings, you stop progression of any change that if applied would acquire 0 affect on you.
If they arise the attempt exhausted on layups it wouldn't affect you because you about-face the exhausted off, yet you arise to be aggravating to acquaint me that they shouldn't acquire a exhausted on layups and afresh about-face the convo to the exhausted on jumpshots as well.
They adulation that bits bruv lol that's y they get millions from vc and y annihilation gets anchored for abiding in this bold could cause no bulk what there's consistently anyone who will action adjoin the bodies searching for change.
So gg I'm done acknowledging and annual this ridiculously continued cilia over a simple accession of a layup exhausted I don't see it catastrophe any added way. You're appropriate achievement u feel adequate to apprehend that.